Giving September 30, 2020

FOOD for Lane County – Q3 2020 GIVE

Q3 of 2020 I partnered with FOOD for Lane County. This partnership felt particularly relevant this year between the pandemic and the local fires creating even more of a need in our community.

Their mission: “Reducing hunger by engaging our community to create access to food. We accomplish this by soliciting, collecting, rescuing, growing, preparing and packaging food for distribution through a network of 157 social service agencies and programs; through public awareness, education and community advocacy; and through programs designed to improve the ability of low-income individuals to maintain an adequate supply of wholesome, nutritious food. These programs include emergency food boxes, shelters, meal sites, rehabilitation facilities, nutrition education, gleaning and community gardens. We serve a diverse population of people living on limited incomes including children, families, seniors and single adults.”

While we still aren’t meeting in large groups there are still ways to help if you want to contribute to FOOD for Lane County.  Whether you want to donate or volunteer, learn more or get help – click on the word that matches you best.


This quarter I did my first ever pizza night for my clients!  I provided a dinner of pizza and a 2L drink of choice to ease the stress of the new school year and all that is going on in our world and to have some fun!  Since we can’t get together, I thought this would be a fun way to help those I know.





In partnership with my clients I offered to add $10/family that participated in my pizza night to the GIVE to FOOD for Lane County.  A couple of families decided to donate in addition to that.  Wow!  We were able to GIVE $2550 toward Food for Lane County and I am humbled and honored to help in this way.  Thank you to my clients, industry partners, family and friends who are part of this success.

Learn more about Food for Lane County here: